Sunday, December 26, 2010

I really seriously suck at updating.

so anyways...

been on a couple of vacations... almost failed a couple of classes... learned how to party... changed my major and... MY HAIR LOOKS FABULOUS.

I'm not saying I had any huge growth because I HAD had much growth and then I let my personal hair stylist cut my hair after one too many puffs of the green substance... FML, she took off so much... at least an inch...  I wanted it evened out and she knows I'm trying to grow it out - she usually isn't scissor happy but i guess mary jane could make you a little impaired... ok, it does... at least it came out even...

I don't know if i mentioned in my last blog (probably not cause it was forever ago)... I got fringe...  It was cute to begin with, now that it's growing in... hmmmm... I might just let it grow in... can't tell yet, it's right before that awkward in between stage...

So here's a picture of my fringe and post hair cut oh and color - but I just finished coloring my hair again about... an hour ago, so it's a darker brown, not black anymore, with a reddish tint to it...

this is what i had before she cut it off...

She fixed my bangs thank God... but to me, the length in the second picture is clearly a little longer than the first, and the second picture was taken 1.5 months after the trim.... so FML for now LOL