Sunday, December 26, 2010

I really seriously suck at updating.

so anyways...

been on a couple of vacations... almost failed a couple of classes... learned how to party... changed my major and... MY HAIR LOOKS FABULOUS.

I'm not saying I had any huge growth because I HAD had much growth and then I let my personal hair stylist cut my hair after one too many puffs of the green substance... FML, she took off so much... at least an inch...  I wanted it evened out and she knows I'm trying to grow it out - she usually isn't scissor happy but i guess mary jane could make you a little impaired... ok, it does... at least it came out even...

I don't know if i mentioned in my last blog (probably not cause it was forever ago)... I got fringe...  It was cute to begin with, now that it's growing in... hmmmm... I might just let it grow in... can't tell yet, it's right before that awkward in between stage...

So here's a picture of my fringe and post hair cut oh and color - but I just finished coloring my hair again about... an hour ago, so it's a darker brown, not black anymore, with a reddish tint to it...

this is what i had before she cut it off...

She fixed my bangs thank God... but to me, the length in the second picture is clearly a little longer than the first, and the second picture was taken 1.5 months after the trim.... so FML for now LOL

Monday, October 25, 2010

Wow, I'm a blogging slacker... but I have big news.

I gave myself bangs...  Oh, and my hair has grown like a weed... probably about 4 inches in 6 months... crazyyy.

Anyway, I do believe that those crazy phyto vitamins work... AS well as my new love, Sprayology.  I'll do a vlog on that.  Eventually. LOL.  Although, I have been making more YT vids lately.  I had a bunch of stuff going on that's why I haven't been around... But here are some pix of the bangs I cut...  I cut some then decided I wanted more cut off, but I neglected to take a picture of them the second time I did it.  But let me STFU... here.

October 7, just to show you how long it was.

First time I cut it - I cut more off, see next picture.

I love them, I think they are pretty fabulous.  <3

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Have a Little Summer Fun

OMG guys! I just did my monthly hair picture - it's a couple of days late but that's ok.  My hair is growing like a weed.  Protective styling and extra virgin olive oil are good friends of mine.  I'm so impressed with this turn out.  I would say the back has grown about 2 inches in these 3 months and the front at least an inch and a half!

Anyway, I started making YouTube videos... I actually just uploaded some Lady Gaga concert footage... :)  If you wanna check it out ---> Click here :)

She is absolutely amazing in concert - I've seen her 3 times and have tickets to two more shows... I feel very fortunate that my boyfriend and family love me that much, because I myself would have no money for tickets like that!  Honestly, I have cried at the first three concerts I went to of hers.  She just speaks from the heart and has a great mission... If you make a donation to the charity she is affiliated with - for homeless LBGT teens - she will match it.  I just love her - she is all about the peace, love and harmony...

Sunday, July 25, 2010


SO. I've been on the 10,000 heads plan.  I've started drinking atleast 80 oz of water a day.  Taking my Super B Complex vitamin, biotin and regular Multi V (Centrum chewables for now).  I've let go of my FIA (flat iron addiction) which I wasn't exactly ADDICTED to, but using it at all is damaging.  I've been slacking on my yoga but over the past month my hair has grown a little bit more than half an inch.  I am super impressed. Hair is "supposed" to grow at the rate of 1/3 - 1/2 an inch a month.  My hair has never grown this quick as far as I know - and I'm hair obsessed, I think I would remember.

These are some pictures from about a week ago to compare from the previous update.

I know, I look like an idiot but my first thought wasn't "I'm going to put these on the internet", it was more like "let me compare..."

So first off let me say, yes, I pee every ten minutes.  Yes, I eat a lot of protein - my meals are basically protein based and fiber supplemented.  

I plan to write more in depth on the subjects of silicones, the importance of protein, water and supplements.  I'll get around to it.  I'm obviously not being paid to blog LOL!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Oh shit, I totally forgot...

So, I had my lap band surgery.  Freaking fabulous!  I am super excited!  I got the surgery on May 12th.  The Wednesday before summer school started.  I was up and walking the next day - great recovery.  I haven't been tightened yet - so I've only lost the ten lbs. I gained to get the surgery really.  That's unfortunate but my real weight loss journey will begin July 7th - 3 days before we leave for our second vaca to the magical land of LA this year... I have to say, I love my boyfriend because LA is just amazing and he makes it all possible.  But back to the lap band, I will be tightened (have my band filled with saline but needle) on the 7th.  For the three days after that I will really only be able to ingest liquids which should make me drop like 5-7 more lbs instantly.  Anyway, I just wanted to mention that.

Long time no... post???

Wow, so... I've been to a BUNCH of concerts since last post.  New Kids on The Block... Frankie Avalon... and as of last night Adam Lambert.  Pretty fabulous.  JULY 4TH IS GAGA!!!!! Yay!!!

I'm basically just posting because I wanted to upload some pix of recent hair styles and its straight length.


Friday, April 9, 2010

MAC and Gaga

So, I ordered from MAC online 2 days ago.  FASTEST SHIPPING EVER. AND IT WAS FREE!

I am like... stoked.  My Viva Glam GaGa came along with the Prep + Prime Skin Refine.  I can't remember who's YT vid it was I watched (bc I watch them ALL!) but I am pretty sure Elle said she liked it if I remember correctly, I do remember the story of how she didn't wait to put on her foundation... so it might have been her vid, but I feel like it was someone else's. Anyway, I got those two and then there was a code for free shipping and a free trial size Zoom Lash.  

Let me tell you about this Zoom Lash.  Fab.  I know MsSmallTownBeauty on YT isn't fond of any MAC mascara so that's why I was hesitant to buy any - I haven't ever really heard much about MAC Mascaras other than that but I have to disagree.  I got the Zoom Lash and tried it out on one eye and not the other - with out curling either side.  UH-MAZING. It made the lashes I put it on pretty long.  It didn't do much for volume but I don't think it claims to.  But seriously.  Niiiiiice.  I will post comparison pix in a few.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Windows, Air Conditioners and Migraines.

So I was watching MakeupbyMel on YouTube when my boyfriend's handyman knocks on my door. Yes, I watch YouTube naked. I do a lot of stuff naked. Whatever. My dog is barking (which is a really rare occurrence, so I know she thinks someone is invading our space

So I have to quick find some clothes because his English is only as good as my Spanish. Therefore, "espero un mintito por favor" was doing me no huge favor. I already have the migraine of the century and am waiting for the massage therapist to call me back and let me know what time to come so he can make my migraine go bye bye.

Then, the window I want the air conditioner put in is caulked shut by the previous moron who worked for my boyfriend. UGH. Anyway, After he drills the window open and rips the caulk of, I have air... not like I didn't before... I had a fan and another functioning window.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Fat Camp

Along with the CG hair life change, I'm also looking at a lifestyle altering bariatric procedure. My boyfriend has one... then I wanted one... but my mom was influenced by our talks about it and got one first. I'm kinda jealous. She's lost 17 lbs so far. I am extremely jealous - you know, seeing as I had to gain 10 for the doctor to guarantee me a "YES." So now I'm fat and in the waiting process. It's really a pain - everywhere. I can't do that same things I used to because I've gained this extra 10 lbs... not to mention the fact that it's extremely unhealthy. But yeah, I'm waiting for the surgery date for my lap band. My boyfriend lost a total of 85 lbs and gained about 30 back because he was not eating properly; therefore, it was like he was anorexic. He totally isn't but when you don't eat what you can just to lose weight... whatever.

So I have to go to these meetings where we have group sessions about being fat and how the band or gastric bypass has affected our lives so we can learn from others. That's tonight.

Anyhow, Saturday night I did the Curly Girl Big Cut. It's basically where you cut off most of your hair - the dead part that will never have another chance of revival and then "start over" with fresh, relatively healthy hair. I found that my second day hair isn't so fabulous if I don't gel it and wear a cap or something. It's still not to it's full curl potential but it is seriously way better than it was. Less frizz, less stringy bits and the hairdresser basically just evened me out with a few layers. Not poof balls layers - just regular people, my hair will lay nicely layers. And this is a girl from the Haircuttery. She is very talented. She listened to what I wanted and explained what would happen if she did certain things. I think I only have one picture of me since then but it was seriously totally worth it and I will take another picture either this afternoon or tonight. So this that one picture. It was with my phone so it's kinda blurry but I love the way the cut came out. And as you can see I have lost of curl at the bottom when I previously has frizzy strangles.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Every Day Just Seems Farther and Farther Away from Graduation

So I've been at Temple University for four years and basically wasted my time here so far because this semester I've decided to completely change my major. I have all but one of the core classes completed and I am like 37 credits away from graduating. And I'm completely changing. None of my classes from Elementary Ed are going to transfer over to Information Science & Technology. And that just pisses me off.

Dear Temple Univsersity,

Do you know that you are like the ONLY university that doesn't let your students student teach until their last semester? I didn't even get that far thank God. If I had gotten that far I would have been severely pissed. I would like to say "Thank You" in the most teeth grinding way possible to Dr. Jayminn Sanford DeShields. She took us to a school - in the ghetto of Ill. I just couldn't do it, it felt so fake trying to pretend I was happy in front of those kids, pretend I cared about what they learned when they were really just out of control pains in my ass. I guess what I'm saying is that Temple University should throw Education Students out into the field infront of a class way before THEIR LAST YEAR HERE! You know, since if you hate it/can't manage it/figure out that is not what you were meant for, you can easily switch majors to something more comforting without a hassle and a waste of about 15,000$. And that's in state.

No Love,
Ms. Melendez

That was my point. Now I am looking at at least 3 more years in this fuckhole. Hail to what Alma Mater? Girls High. Temple University can go blow itself. Now I'm off to a computer class... After I put my make-up on. I look dead. Hmm... I think that's a side effect of this wretched place.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Back to this thing. I'm attempting a life Change.

Hey there bloggers. So I originally had to set this thing up for a class I had. Now I actually want to use it.

So anywho, I'm trying this thing called "no-poo" AKA "Curly Girl". I think it's working out pretty well so far. I start about a week and a half ago.

If you don't know anything about CG (Curly Girl) the basics of it are no sulfates and no silicones. But that there my friend is just the bare basics. First of all, I basically cut out shampoo because shampooing too often with a shampoo that contains sulfates strips the hair of natural NECESSARY oils. So, you may think that is slightly gross. It isn't. You CO-WASH your hair. Short for Conditioner-wash.

To co-wash you basically have two different conditioners (condish). The first is the "washing" conditioner - alot of people use VO5 or suave Naturals. Right now I use Suave Juicy Green Apple. It smells delish. And the point of this first wash is that you scrub into your scalp, like you would a shampoo but with more effort. I rub my scalp and don't let too much get onto the length of my hair. Scrub, scrub, scrub with the pads of my fingers - section by section of hair. Rinse. And rinse well. By doing this you are cleaning impurities from your hair but not the much needed moisturizing natural oils.

That was only step 1. Step 2 requires a thicker, richer, more protein filled condish. I am using LUSH's Retread which is creamy and thick like yogurt. It smells slightly of jasmine and I highly recommend it. YES, it does have a small amount of sulfate in it - but there are rules you can bend but not break in CG. I think it is relatively okay to use this condish because it isn't as strong as it would be in shampoo form where it is one of the first 5 ingredients if not the first or second.

So, with my LUSH Retread I slather on a handful (yes, it is expensive but I am a product junkie). This second condish you just slather onto your hair and I let mine sit for 3-5 minutes. Then you RINSE your hair now when I say rinse I say that very lightly. You still want to have this second condish left of the ends of your hair when you get out of the shower, especially if you have really dry, brittle, frizzy, fluffy, undefined hair that should be pleasant and curly. Therefore, I find that 2-4 seconds, SERIOUSLY, is a good rinse time for each side of my head.

Good, so we rinsed. NOW, you need to have a leave in product. I myself use Grapeseed oil - straight out of Whole Foods oil aisle. Alot of people use EVOO aka Extra Virgin Olive Oil. I find that this is slightly greasier than I want my hair to be but it does work when it comes to moisturizing - just be sure not to put your hair near any flames or fabric that you don't want ruined. You don't have to soak your head in the product a small amount will be just fine, just enough to coat all of your hairs. I also scrunch it into my curls to make sure I get the best results. Some people choose to use creams or pomades or balms. Anything that says petrolatum or mineral oil - RUN AWAY. Do not put these things in your hair or you will need a good sulfate shampoo to get this out. It coats your hair to keep moisture out then what moisture is inside dries up after a while leaving your hair droopy, straggly, or just plain gross looking.

After applying product you can choose to let it air dry or "plop". You can either YouTube "plopping" Latina4u55 has a great video on how to plop your hair, located here:

I do need to make this minor disclaimer that if you try this do not expect to see instant results. There is a transition period for your hair to become acclimated to this new routine. For some people it takes a few days to start seeing results, others it could take a couple of weeks. Just stick to it - it's a good way to keep your curly hair happy, healthy and beautiful. Be happy you have curly hair - flat irons kill hair.

So I hope you are ready to go on my journey of CG-ness with me.
Before CG: Talk about CRAZYYYYY

After 1 week CG: Definitely a difference!

After 2 weeks CG: This is today. How exciting. Way more definition.